Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedures

Our fiscal and administrative support via a power of attorney allows you to:


(TIN - Tax Identification Number)

It is important to note that you will not be able to do anything in Portugal without obtaining this number (TIN – Tax Identification Number): it is a real key to starting your new life or investing in Portugal.
You will be asked for it everywhere, so it is the first step in the newcomer’s journey…


The Certificate of Residence

This can be obtained at the local town hall or “junta de freguesia” by presenting proof of your place of residence.


Portuguese Social Security and the Health Centre

In particular, you will need to submit the S1 document that you will have requested from your Old age insurance fund, which you must obtain before your departure. You will be allocated a health centre. This process can take up to 2/3 months.

Sign an

Electricity, Gas, Water, etc... Contract

Open a

Bank Account



We have a network of professionals to support you
throughout your project:

Specialist lawyers

and tax notaries

A legal service adapted to your situation.

Brokers with Connections

to all national banks

Support and research of investment and financing plans.

Architects, Decorators,

and Certified Companies

Design, execution, monitoring of construction and/or renovation works.

Fiscal and

Administrative Support

Acquisition of tax identification number (NIF), signing electricity, gas, water , etc…contracts


Administrative Management

Advice and monitoring of your rentals for better profitability.

Do not Hesitate to Meet with Us.

We Will Answer All Your Questions!

+351 912 242 095