Origin Brazil

The expansion of a brand

Origin Brazil

We indicate the path to success for those who seek to unite two cultures that have used the same language for more than four centuries and that have several other identifications and political-diplomatic, economic, social and cultural relationships.

Investment Management

in Portugal

Origin Brazil it is able to provide a service, based on integrated solutions, aiming at reducing risk, better cost and optimizing the best return for the customer.

All these differentials briefly presented make our company a successful path for those who seek to unite two cultures that use the same language for more than four centuries and who have several other identifications and political-diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, legal relationships, technical and scientific.

With a vast investment options, we have the safest, most transparent and comfortable solution for the client who wishes to make any investment in Portugal, as well as having access to any procedure that involves obtaining the respective visa that fits the case presented.

With a commercial and legal team in Brazil and Portugal, we are also ready to advise and advise on obtaining Portuguese citizenship, work visas, residence in the country, obtaining the Visa Gold modality among others before the SEF (Services of Foreigners and Borders) and in the respective Consulate, as well as in the formation of companies.

Our company has a wide portfolio of options for the acquisition of property in Portugal, due to referral to obtain a NIF (tax identification number), opening bank accounts, financing lines, always relying on the support of specialized professionals and the proper structure .

The service provided by Origin Brazil has the characteristic of agility and dynamism associated with a personalized service to customers, culminating in legal, creative, differentiated and adequate strategies to the customer’s needs within the best standard of service, competence, knowledge and seriousness.

Our personalized service involves work developed by Portuguese and Brazilian managers, with the aim of promoting the best possible encounter between the characteristics of each country, the existing desires to approach historical ties, the latent investment options that exist in Portugal nowadays.

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+55 19 99650-5988